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Monthly information of Chinese APIs industry(March 2022)

brief introduction:

The API monthy information is specially designed for English readers. The contents mainly come from Healthoo.com's English webpages. 

Every month, the monthly information includes the key infomation of last month in APIs industry. By the monthly information, you can know the current market situation of APIs in China, the trend of export price of key exported APIs, the enterprise news policy news.

Monthly information of Chinese APIs industry(March 2022)


Part Ⅰ: Market situation and analysis

In 2021, the price of paracetamol continued to rise, while the export volume decreased.

Market Development Overview of Chinas API Sodium Bicarbonate Industry in 2022

Vitamin Market Analysis

In 2021, the export price of ibuprofen API continued to decline.

2021 Roundup: Financing to Advance Drug Conjugates

The export price of inositol tripled during the year.

Part Ⅱ: Enterprise news and industry news

On February 25th, Zhejiang Pharmaceutical Vitamin E stopped quoting.

Vitamin C has been raised by manufacturers to 50 yuan /kg.

Anqing Huichen Pharmaceutical Construction Project was filed.

Shandong Jincheng Bio-Pharmaceutical Project with an annual output of 3000 tons of astaxanthin

Production capacity statistics of vitamin D3 series products

February 17th domestic quotation of coenzyme Q10, a new product of Yuxing Bio.

$36.781 Billion! "Drug King" Changed! "Cosmic Factory", Pfizer is Back!

NHU raises the feed grade of vitamin A to 310 yuan /kg.

Zhenhua shares raised the price of vitamin K3 from February 14th.

Anhui Tiger Vitamin B6 will resume production

AstraZeneca 2021 Results: Osimertinib Sales Exceed $5 Billion

Project of folic acid production with chloroacetic acid as starting material

Quotation of some calcium pantothenate manufacturers

New Tuoyang Bios first production line of isotretinoin C sodium D- ribose has been officially put into production.

Lu Kang Pharmaceutical 7-ADCA products successfully entered the Iranian market.

Part Ⅲ: Price information

1、Export price of Vitamins

2、Export price of Antibiotics

3、Export prices of Antipyretic analgesic

4、Export prices of hormone APIs

5. Other

The price of the monthly information is 2800$/year(12 issues). On about 6th. of every month, we email the report to clients' email. In case of any public holiday, the time limit would be extended.

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