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  • Hydrocotyle asiatica extract

Hydrocotyle asiatica extract

  • Identification
  • Name Hydrocotyle asiatica extract
  • CAS Registry Number 84696-21-9
  • EINECS 283-640-5
  • Safety Data
  • SDS Available

Product  Description

Product NameHydrocotyle Asiatica Extract
Centella asiatica
Plant PartAerial Parts
Regular Specification70%-95%Hydrocotyle Asiatica Extract

Centella Asiatica  Gotu Kola, is a herbaceous plant that grows in  China, Indonesia and Madagascar, as well as in subtropical regions. Part of the Indian pharmacopoeia, it has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for more than 3,000 years. A member of the parsley family, it is tasteless and odorless. It thrives in and around water. It has small fan-shaped green leaves with white or light purple-to-pink flowers, and it bears small oval fruit.


1. Centella asiatica  extract powder with the use of anti-infective agent;

2. Centella asiatica extract powder have sedative and tranquillizing effect ;

3. Used to induce diuresis and reducing edema;

4. Centella asiatica extract powder with the function of clearing away heat and toxic materials;

5. Centella asiatica extract powder used to promote collagen form and make the skin smooth and elastic.

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