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  • Celery Extract

Celery Extract

  • Identification
  • Name
  • Celery Seed Extract
  • CAS Registry Number
  • 89997-35-3
  • EINECS 289-668-4

product   Desciption 

Celery Seed Extract
Latin Name:Herba Apii Graveolentis                   
Specification: 6:1, 10:1,Apigenin 2%-5%
Part Used:Seed 
Appearance:Fine Brown Powder 
CAS No.:89997-35-3
Molecular Formula:C15H10O5
Molecular Weight:270.24


1) Celery Seed is most often taken to aid in the maintenance of healthy joints. Celery Seed can also ease joint discomfort that occurs due to inflammation and is, in fact, mainly used for the relief of symptoms of such conditions as arthritis, rheumatism and gout.

2) Celery Seed has an antiseptic property that makes it useful to the health of the urinary tract and a diuretic property to help relieve fluid retention-Celery Seed aids in the elimination of uric acid.

Analysis ItemsSpecificationsResults
AppearanceFine brownish yellow powderConforms
Odor & TasteCharacteristicConforms
Bulk Density35-50g/100mlConforms
Particle Size98% through 80 meshConforms
SolubilitySoluble in hydro-alcoholic solutionConforms

Extract Ratio5:15:1
Loss on DryingNMT 5.0%3.70%
Ash ContentNMT 5.0%2.50%
Extract SolventsEthanol & WaterConforms
Solvent ResiduesNMT 0.05%Conforms

Heavy MetalsNMT 10ppmConforms
Arsenic (As)NMT 1ppm0.26ppm
Lead (Pb)NMT 2ppm0.45ppm
Cadmium (Cd)NMT 0.5ppm0.06ppm
Mercury(Hg)NMT 0.2ppm0.04ppm

666NMT 0.1ppmConforms
DDTNMT 0.5ppmConforms
AcephateNMT 0.2ppmConforms
MethamidophosNMT 0.2ppmConforms
Parathion-ethylNMT 0.2ppmConforms
PCNBNMT 0.1ppmConforms
AflatoxinsNMT 0.2ppbAbsent

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