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  • glutathione


  • Name Glutathione
  • Synonyms 5-L-Glutamyl-L-cysteinylglycine; gamma-L-Glutamyl-L-cysteinylglycine; GSH
  • Molecular Formula C10H17N3O6S
  • Molecular Weight 307.32
  • CAS Registry Number 70-18-8
  • EINECS 200-725-4
  • Melting point 182-192 ºC
  • alpha -16.5 º (c=2, H2O)
  • Water solubility soluble

Glutathione is glutamic acid, cysteine and glycine combination of the three peptides,cysteinethiol
on its active groups, glutathione has also prototype (GSH) and oxidized type (GSSG) form, under physiological conditions to the majority of reduced glutathione, glutathione(GSH) is the main
activity of the state, accounting for 95%; oxidizedglutathione (GSSG)about 1% of the nonactive
state. Glutathione reductase catalyzing the interaction between the two types change. Coenzyme enzyme for the metabolismof sugar phosphates bypass provides NADPH.


1.  Protect the liver and treat various liver diseases.
2. Treat tumors and reduce the side effects of chemotherapy and radiotherapy.
3, glutathione as an antidote, can be combined with toxic compounds, heavy metal ions or carcinogens entering the human body, and promote its excretion, play a detoxification role; for acrylonitrile, fluoride, carbon monoxide, heavy metals and Poisoning treatment of organic solvents, etc.
4. Treatment of ophthalmic diseases, especially for the treatment of cataracts.
5, glutathione can correct the imbalance of acetylcholine and cholinesterase, and play an anti-allergic effect.
6, glutathione can prevent skin aging and pigmentation, reduce the formation of melanin, improve the skin's antioxidant capacity, and make the skin shine.
7. Recent studies indicate that glutathione may also have the effect of inhibiting the AIDS virus.


1. Glutathione role of clinical treatment and prevention

Under pathological conditions when endogenous GSH reduction, timely exogenous GSH has become to be. Exogenous GSH supplement can prevent and treat related diseases, maintain a healthy body.

(1) Radiation sickness and radiation safety: radiation, radioactive substances or because of leukopenia caused by anticancer drugs and other symptoms can play a protective effect.

(2) To protect the liver, detoxification, inactivation of hormones, and to promote bile acid metabolism and help absorb fat and fat-soluble vitamins digestive tract.

(3) Anti-allergy, or inflammation caused by hypoxemia in patients with systemic or local, can reduce cell damage and promote repair.

(4) To improve the course of certain diseases and symptoms as adjuvant drugs. Such as: hepatitis, hemolytic disease, and keratitis, cataract and retinal diseases, such as eye disease and improve vision.

(5) Easy to speed up the metabolism of acids in the excretion of free radicals, which play a beauty skin care, anti-aging effect.

2. Food additives

(1) added to pasta, to make manufacturers reduce the time of bread to the original one-half or one third, and serve to strengthen the role of food nutrition and other features.
(2) to add to the yogurt and baby food, the equivalent of vitamin C, can play a stabilizing agent.
(3) in its mix to the surimi to prevent color deepened.
(4) to the meat and cheese and other foods, have enhanced the effect of flavor.

3. Beauty products

Prevent the infiltration of Los tyrosinase in order to achieve the purpose of inhibiting melanin formation. On eliminate wrinkles, increase skin elasticity, shrink pores, lighten pigment, the body has an excellent whitening effect. Glutathione as the main ingredient in cosmetic products in Europe and the United States was welcomed by the decades.

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